Ultrasonic Teeth Scaler
Tooth scaler with digital control and automatic reaserch of the frequency . In addition to the standard
mode that allows to increase or to reduce the intensity, the toohscaler also allows to work with the
peak handpiece (that can be put in the autcoclave at 135°) with its interior in titatium and a frequency
between 28/32 khz.
• Digital control and automatic frequency research
• Independent watering that can be seletcted by the operator by a 350 ml
• Disinfectant solutions like clorhexidine, hypochlorite sodium, salty
solutions, ect.
• Includes eight scaling tips for hygiene and prophylaxis:
E1 – G1 – G4 – G5 – G6 – P1 – P3 – P4D .